Security Policy

A priority objective of the HAZESCORP group is to guarantee the security of the information and the confidentiality of the data that you send us over the Internet.

HAZESCORP has adopted the levels of security required by current legislation on data protection to the data provided to us, installing the necessary technical and organizational measures, taking into account the state of the technology, to avoid its loss, alteration, use inappropriate or unauthorized access to them.

For this, the purchase service through the HAZESCORP website uses security technology, a system that allows the encryption of the information you send us, including the order data and those of the credit or debit card used to formalize the payment , making reading very difficult even if improperly intercepted.

The HAZESCORP server is certified, so that your browser can confirm the identity of the HAZESCORP store before any transmission is sent.

This certificate guarantees the identity of the destination computer to which your data is being sent.

However, if you are making an online purchase, if you do not use a browser with these standard security features or do not wish to provide your Card information, you can make the payment by communicating your data by telephone to the HAZESCORP Publications Service or by transfer banking.